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Registering for Classes Tutorial Video

Registration is done through DAWGS, but before you can register, you must meet with your assigned primary advisor to discuss your classes and obtain your Advising PIN.  Your Advising PIN is a 6-digit number that changes each semester, and unlocks the registration screen in DAWGS. This Advising PIN ensures that you are checking in with an advisor about your schedule, and gives you the opportunity to meet with someone who can give you more information about the degree program you are working on. Once you’ve obtained your Advising PIN, you are able to register.

Preparing to Register:

  • Attend an Advising Workshop
    • These are held each semester and start the week prior to registration. They run through the semester giving you many opportunities to attend. Learn more about Advising Workshops.

Schedule a meeting with your primary advisor:

  • Meet with your advisor to discuss your courses
  • They will help you navigate possible prerequisites or scheduling issues
  • Required to obtain your Advising PIN for registration

Register for classes

You may follow this link or watch the video at the top of the page for a tutorial on registering for classes.

  • Login to DAWGS
    1. Choose Student Services
    2. Choose Registration
    3. Choose the semester for which you are going to register
    4. If prompted, complete the Registration Agreement questions
    5. Choose Add/Drop Classes
    6. Enter your Alternate PIN
    7. At the Add Classes worksheet, enter the CRNs for your chosen classes
    8. Submit Changes at the bottom of the page

Check Registration:

  • Once you are registered, check your schedule to make sure you have one class in each block, and are registered for the correct courses.
  • If you have any Registration Errors listed at the bottom of your schedule, please contact the Advising Center staff immediately for assistance.
    • These errors may be due to prerequisite issues, full classes, etc
    • We can help you figure out what steps you may need to complete to add your course, or help you find a different class option
  • Transfer students—if you see Registration Errors due to prerequisite issues, but have taken the prerequisite at a different institution, contact the Advising Center immediately and we can help you.

Registration Dates:

  • Summer and Fall registration begins beginning of block 7
  • Spring registration begins beginning of block 3
    • 1st day – Seniors (earned 90 credits prior to current semester), TRiO participants and students who are registered with Disability Services
    • 2nd day – Juniors (earned 60 credits prior to current semester)
    • 3rd day – Sophomores (earned 30 credits prior to current semester)
    • 4th day – Freshmen (under 30 credits earned)