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Students Attend NASPA Conference in Florida

November 30, 2018

Montana Western students Ava Nelson and Shayla McGregor, along with PATH advisor Lexi Benson, joined the nearly 500 individuals in attendance at this year’s NASPA conference, known as the General Assembly, held Nov. 1-4 in Kissimmee, Florida. Over 100 universities from around the nation were represented.

NASPA Conference

NASPA, the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, has evolved and grown over the years to become a diverse international organization. It is the leading association for the advancement, health, and sustainability of the student affairs profession.

“This conference served as an opportunity for our students to see that there are so many individuals like them that are passionate about helping other students stay safe and healthy,” Benson said.

The chance to attend this conference was made possible by Nelson and McGregor’s involvement in Peers Advocating Towards Health (PATH), a peer education group committed to actively promoting the health and well-being of students through various on campus events.

Nelson, McGregor and Benson had the opportunity to select from over 80 educational break-out sessions that covered a variety of peer advocacy topics. Additionally, the group listened to three motivational keynote speakers.

McGregor explained that the conference opened her eyes to how there can be different ways to express the same thing. Networking between colleges was another important aspect of the conference.

“Being able to meet and converse with students from all over the nation was truly incredible. The giving and taking of ideas and experiences is what brings new programs and events to college campuses,” McGregor said.

Nelson used her time at the conference to learn about effective ways to educate and engage her peers.

“I knew I was going to be able to take ideas, conversations, and program ideas back to my campus and create a new way to approach health and wellness. It is vital to talk with peers about health topics,” stated Nelson.

Nelson, McGregor, and Benson all agree the conference was inspiring and they hope more students at Montana Western will become involved in PATH.

If you are interested in becoming involved in PATH, or would like to know more about the educational opportunities they provide, please contact PATH advisor, Lexi Benson at 406-683-7389 or [email protected].