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Featured Summer Courses

HEE 340 – Methods of Health Education

May 8 – May 31, 2023

4 Credit(s)

Introduction to the fundamental health concepts and attitudes relating to concerns and needs of individuals and society. Structure, function and dydfunction of the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, nervous, endoctine, immune, and intergumentary systems will be covered in the context of specific topics including cancer, heart disease, infectious, chronic, and congenital diseases, consumer health, environmental health, safety, and choices relating to the use and abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. Students are expected to demonstrate comprehension of course content through testing, individual and group assignments, presentations, and class participation. $15 course fee.

Prerequisite(s):: EDU 201 

M 105 – Contemporary Mathematics 

May 8 – July 7, 2023

4 Credit(s)

This course is designed to give students the skills required to understand and interpret quantitative information thatthey encounter in the news and in their studies, and to make numerically based decisions in their lives. Topics includeworking with units and measurement, set theory, financial mathematics, and essentials of statistics and probability.

Prerequisite(s): M 090 B- or higher, or M 095 C- or higher, or meet one Math Proficiency standard above; or c/i.

ARTH 160 – Global Visual Culture

June 5 – August 11, 2023

4 Credit(s)

Students explore visual arts, music, drama/theatre, and dance with some attention to literature and applied arts. Students read, view, listen, and participate in the arts, learning fundamental vocabulary and concepts, and discussing such questions as: what are the arts; how are the arts created; how and what do arts communicate; and how do the arts reflect society? The depth and quality of their arts observations and reflections, both written and oral, are assessed. $25 Course Fee.

BMGT 335 – Management & Organization

June 5 – July 27, 2023

4 Credit(s)

This course covers fundamentals of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling a business organization. Theories, techniques, and practices used in formulating strategies, policies, procedures, and goals of a business are covered. The course will use a multiple set of teaching tools to provide experiential learning including case studies, hands-on field-based real life examples of companies, and teach students how to manage in ways that deliver results—results that customers want and also enable companies to gain the competitive edge. A comprehensive research-based project report is required. $15 Course Fee.

Prerequisite(s): ACTG 201, ACTG 202, BGEN 235, BGEN 217, CAPP 131, and ECNS 201 or ECNS 203.

CRWR 240 – Introduction to Creative Writing Workshop

July 3 – July 27, 2023

4 Credit(s)

The student will be introduced to a variety of creative writing genres including, but not exclusive to, fiction, nonfiction, scriptwriting/ playwriting, and poetry. The course will include the reading of texts in the various areas.

Prerequisite(s): WRIT 101; or c/i.

How do I register for Summer Session Courses?

Please contact your advisor on which course best fits your degree program.

To register for a Summer Session course, follow the instructions below and use our DAWGS self-service student information system to register online. This is the same process used for registering for fall or spring courses.

  1. Attend an advising workshop and then meet with a faculty or academic advisor to receive the advising pin required to register.
  2. Login to DAWGS .
  3. Select Student Services and then Registration
  4. Select the term for course selection
  5. Complete the Registration Agreement Questions
  6. Select Add/Drop Classes
  7. Enter the Advising Pin received from a faculty or academic advisor in the alternate pin section
  8. Enter the CRN’s or use class search to enter selected courses

Helpful Information About Summer Courses

  • Financial Aid is available for summer; contact the Financial Aid Office for details and to see if you qualify: 406-683-7511.  As always, to be eligible for federal financial aid, the credits taken must count toward your degree program.
  • In some instances, 6 credits are required to be eligible for financial aid.
  • Click here to view the Summer 2023 Academic Calendar

When can I register?

Please refer to the timeline below to know what date registration opens for a Summer Session or Fall semester course:

Tuesday, March 21, 2023:  

  • Currently enrolled Seniors (90+ earned credits at the start of Spring 2023 semester)
  • Currently Enrolled Post-Baccalaureates Students
  • TRIO Students
  • Students with accommodations

Wednesday, March 22, 2023:

  • Currently Enrolled Juniors (60-89 earned credits at the start of the Spring 2023 semester)

Thursday, March 23, 2023:

  • Currently Enrolled Sophomores (30-59 earned credits at the start of the Spring 2023 semester)

Friday, March 24, 2023:

  • Currently Enrolled Freshman (0-29 earned credits at the start of the Spring 2023 semester)

Monday, March 27, 2023:

  • Readmitted Students

Tuesday, April 11, 2023:

  • New/Incoming Students