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Welcome to the University of Montana Western’s student portal and mobile app! 

Please note that this policy applies to all users of the portal/app, including faculty, staff and students. 

UMW Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy


In accordance with Montana Board of Regents Policy 1300, the University of Montana Western has established an institutional policy for acceptable use of State and University-owned technology system components.


The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for acceptable use of the University of Montana Western Network, which is defined as the University of Montana Western’s data communications network and associated computing and information processing systems, resources and facilities.


  1. Use of the UMW Network must be consistent with the Montana Board of Regents of Higher Education Information Technology Policies (
  2. Use of connected networks connected to the UMW Network such as the State of Montana Data Network (SUMMITnet) must be consistent with the rules and acceptable use policies established for those networks.
  3. Release of information through the UMW Network is bound by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (the “Buckley Amendment”), Montana Code Annotated 20-25-515 ( and 20-25-516 (, and the Personnel Policy and Procedures Department of Administration, Section 3-0110, Employee Record Keeping (
  4. Use of the UMW Network must be consistent with the Montana Standards of Conduct for State Employees Handbook ( and appropriate standards of student conduct.
  5. Any illegal or unauthorized use of the UMW Network systems, software, data, or electronic mail is prohibited. Violation of the privacy of others such as accessing other user’s systems, software, data, or electronic mail without that user’s permission is prohibited.
  6. Any use which adversely affects the operations of the UMW Network or jeopardizes the use or performance for other users is prohibited. Use of the UMW Network for personal activities, such as playing electronic games, in a manner which restricts access to resources for official university business is prohibited.
  7. Use of the UMW Network for purposes which violate UMW’s discrimination, harassment, or other student or employment misconduct policies is prohibited.
  8. Commercial or for-profit uses of the UMW Network are not allowed without prior approval by the UMW Technology Steering Committee.
  9. Alleged violations of this policy should be reported to UMW’s Information Technology Services (ITS). Suspected incidents will be investigated by ITS in cooperation with the alleged violator’s supervisor and other UMW authorities as required by the nature of the offense. The appropriate UMW, State, and Board of Regent’s grievance procedures and disciplinary actions apply in these cases.
  10. UMW supervisors are responsible to ensure that their employees are aware of this policy and that it is enforced.