September 15, 2021
The University of Montana Western Athletic Director Search Advisory Committee is pleased to announce that three finalists have been selected for on-campus interviews on September 20, 22, and 23, 2021.
The three finalists include Gary Haverfield, Michael Feuling, and Jerry Olson. Each finalist will be visiting the UMW campus to meet with various departments and attend a public forum for the campus and community to hear from each candidate and ask questions. The public forums will be held in the Swysgood Technology Center Great Room at 3:30 p.m. on September 20, 22, and 23. Zoom links for each public forum are provided below for those who cannot attend in person.
Gary Haverfield: Monday, September 20, 2021
Haverfield is currently the Superintendent/Principal of Beaverhead County High School in Dillon, Montana. Haverfield has 29 years of experience as an Athletic/Activities Director, 12 years of experience in administration as a high school Assistant Principal, and six years as Superintendent/Principal. Haverfield earned a master’s degree in counseling from Montana State University – Northern and a Bachelor of Science in Physical Education/Health from Western Montana College (Montana Western).
Michael Feuling: Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Feuling currently works at Linn-Benton Community College in Albany, Oregon as their Annual Fund Development and Community Relations Officer. Prior to working at Linn-Benton, Feuling worked at Western Oregon University for over ten years, serving as their Assistant Athletic Director for Development. Feuling earned a Master of Arts in Sports Administration from Lasell University and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Western Oregon University.
Jerry Olson: Thursday, September 23, 2021
Olson currently works at Miles Community College in Miles City, Montana as their Athletic Director. Olson has worked in higher education for more than 30 years at multiple institutions including Oklahoma Panhandle State University, Montana State University, and Iowa Wesleyan. Olson earned a Master of Science in Physical Education from Montana State University and a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education from the University of Minnesota-Morris.
Forum attendees are invited to submit their feedback about each candidate by using the online feedback form:
If you have any questions, please contact the Chair of the Athletics Director Search Committee, Matt Allen ( or 406-683-7450).