January 4, 2018
The University of Montana Western Foundation is pleased to announce the establishment of the Pioneer Federal Savings & Loan (PFS & L) Association Scholarship honoring Phyllis and Tom Welch.
This scholarship will be awarded for the first time for the 2018-2019 academic year. Two scholarships in the amount of $2,500 will be awarded annually. One of the recipients will be a graduate from Beaverhead County and the other recipient will be a graduate of Powell County. Tom and Phyllis have dedicated the past 42 years to both of these communities. PFS & L would like to honor their dedication by establishing this scholarship in their honor.
“Pioneer Federal is pleased to honor Tom and Phyllis Welch with these scholarships in their name for a lifetime of dedication to not only Pioneer Federal, but also to the University of Montana Western. The scholarships are even more special as they will help a student from both Beaverhead County and Powell County each year for years to come. It is no secret that Pioneer Federal, the University of Montana Western and the education of our youth are of the utmost importance to Tom and Phyllis and to bring everything together with this scholarship is a wonderful gift to give,” said Phil Willett.
Tom Welch was with PFS & L for 42 years and retired on Dec. 31, 2017. Over the course of Tom’s tenure with PFS & L, he has spent many years assisting Montana Western with the support of his board of directors.
“Phyllis and I are honored that Pioneer Federal Savings and Loan and the University of Montana Western worked together to make these scholarships become a reality. The success and growth of Pioneer Federal and Montana Western have been important to both Phyllis and I for decades and these scholarships ensure that we will remain tied to both for years to come,” said Tom Welch.
When Montana Western needed assistance with recent projects, Tom Welch and PFS & L increased their support in a large way. PFS & L was instrumental in the re-seating of the Beier Auditorium and Legacy Plaza projects completed over the course of the past six years. These projects have greatly added to the campus and to the community and will continue to do so for years to come. Tom and Phyllis have also personally supported Montana Western for many years and often attend events on campus in support of students and teams.
For more information about the scholarship, please contact Roxanne Engellant by email at roxanne.engellant@umwestern.edu, or call 406-683-7305.