Pima Medical Institute’s Dillon Campus to Reopen May 18, 2020

The School, Which Provides the State’s Only Accredited Veterinary Technician Program Will Strictly Adhere to All State and County Health Regulations

Dillon, Mont. (May 14, 2020) – Pima Medical Institute has announced its Dillon campus will reopen Monday, May 18, 2020. Faculty, staff and students will rigorously follow all state and county health guidelines in relation to COVID-19, and those returning to campus are expected to adhere to the Pima Medical Institute Code of Conduct. Pima Medical offers the only accredited veterinary technician program in the state of Montana, in partnership with the University of Montana Western. The current student population includes a small number of students, who will be staggered in both morning and afternoon classes.

Getting students back to their programs is important, but nothing is more important than the safety of those on campus. Prior to returning, all individuals must confirm that they have not been exposed to COVID-19 in the last 14 days, have no current CDC-listed symptoms and will agree to have their temperature checked and recorded daily.

“This protocol is designed to protect students, staff and faculty while attempting to mitigate the COVID-19 virus,” said Jan Winderl, DVM, Campus Director, Pima Medical Institute Dillon Campus. “These steps will allow an environment conducive to learning/teaching for continuity of education for the students and a safe place for the staff and faculty in which to work.”

Once on campus, additional safety protocols have been established, including a check-in system where everyone entering will answer screening questions, have their temperature checked and receive the daily, color-coded wristband that indicates the person has completed the check-in process.  All individuals will be required to wear face coverings at all times. Pima Medical will provide masks to everyone.

All classrooms are stocked with disinfectant wipes, disinfectant hand soap, paper towels, Lysol spray and other cleaning products. Hand sanitizer is also available. Social distancing will be maintained by desk spacing and floor taping of the area. Touchable items like tables, doorknobs, keypads, sinks and faucets, light switches, etc. will be disinfected multiple times each day. Classrooms will also be professionally cleaned each week.

Pima Medical’s lab classrooms will have no more than 10 people inside at one time, including instructors. Counters and touch surfaces will be disinfected after each use of workspace, and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) will be worn at all times. Labs will be professionally cleaned each week. Hospital disinfectant air sanitizers will be used each weekend.

In office areas, faculty and staff will maintain social distancing of six feet or more. All common touch items will be disinfected multiple times a day, and all student interactions must maintain social distancing protocols. All employees will wear facial coverings at all times, and those who do not feel well are required to stay home.

Common areas, including break rooms, student lounges and the student library are closed until further notice. Restrooms have been designated as single-use.

If a student, faculty or staff member has tested positive for the coronavirus, they must notify the campus immediately. Upon being notified, the campus will follow CDC protocol. The campus administrator will also notify employees and/or students who may have been in contact with this individual on their last day at the campus. Per privacy laws, the name of the individual who tested positive will not be revealed. The campus administrator will then notify the local public health administration office and follow all guidance relative to required exposure notifications and facility management.  The Campus Administrator will document all communication.

For more information on the Pima Medical Code of Conduct and its Safety Protocols go to pmi.edu. Specific questions or concerns should be directed to Fred Freedman, President and CEO, Pima Medical Institute at ffreedman@pmi.edu.

About Pima Medical Institute
Pima Medical Institute is an employee-owned, private, accredited school dedicated to providing students classroom studies paired with real-world training at medical facilities. Established in 1972, Pima Medical Institute helps students become career ready, focusing exclusively on health care professions, including medical, dental, veterinary and nursing fields. Curriculum includes certificate, associate degree and bachelor’s degree programs.

Pima Medical Institute operates 18 campuses as well as an extensive online curriculum. The medical career college has a presence in eight western states with the following ground locations: Albuquerque and Albuquerque West – Rio Rancho in N.M.; Tucson, Phoenix and two campuses in Mesa, Ariz.; Aurora, Denver and Colorado Springs, Colo.; Seattle and Renton, Wash.; Las Vegas, N.V.; Houston, El Paso and San Antonio, Texas; Chula Vista and San Marcos, Calif.; and Dillon, Mont. For more information and a complete list of programs offered at each campus, visit 
pmi.edu or call 1-888-442-5998.

Media Contact: Diane Smith | dismith@pmi.edu | o: 480-610-6068 | c: 480-320-0142