Developmental and General Education Mathematics Courses at UMW
As part of your general education (gen ed) requirements, you’ll be taking at least one 100-level Math or STAT course. There are several ways you can qualify to enter these courses including high school courses and scores on the ACT, SAT, and several other standardized tests. Please review the flowchart below for placement pathways.
Math Placement Flowchart
Meeting a blue prerequisite means you qualify to go directly into M 095 Intermediate Algebra. Meeting a green prerequisite means you qualify to go directly into a 100-level gen ed math course. Depending on your major, you might also consider the non-algebra-intensive pathway. Talk to your advisor for more details.
To enter M 095, you must meet a blue, dotted pre-requisite.
To enter a gen ed, you must meet a green, dashed pre-requisite.
*Yellow arrowallowed for non-algebra-intensive gen eds.
*Grades for high school courses refer to the 2nd semester grades of a course.
Questions? Contact Dr. Dev Seacrest at [email protected] or any member of the math department.
If you feel your mathematical skills are weak or you haven’t taken math in several years, you may wish to start in a lower math class than you qualify for. Please contact your advisor and/or Dr. Dev Seacrest at [email protected] to discuss placement options. Having a strong mathematical foundation is very important!
The math department strongly recommends that you take math classes early in your academic career. We also advise that you avoid large gaps between math classes. It helps to continue your mathematics courses while the material is fresh in your mind.
You should only enroll in a linked course, where you take two math classes in a row with the same professor and same students, if you expect to take both courses.
Take M 105: Contemporary Mathematics or M 127: Topics in Mathematics only if you do not need a M 095 or a specific math gen ed. M 105 and M 127 do not qualify as pre-requisites for any 100-level Math or Statistics course, any course requiring M 095, or any science course that does not explicitly state that they are acceptable. M 105 and M 127 are less algebra-intensive than many other 100-level offerings.
The department offers two versions of M 127, each with its own focus and professor:
M 127 Topics in Mathematics: Analyzing Math Games is taught by Dr. Dev Seacrest. In this M 127 class, you will work together to develop strategies for a variety of mathematical games, and you will even create your own mathematical games which you will analyze and teach to the class.
M 127 Topics in Mathematics: Modeling and Optimization is taught by Dr. Tyler Seacrest. This class uses math to solve application problems, from the realistic (how much will my car payments be?) to the outrageous (how long would it take to eat the moon if it were made of cheese?).
STAT 121 Probability is more challenging than some of the other gen ed math courses; it is recommended only if you need it for your major or have a strong interest.
If you have questions, please contact Dr. Dev Seacrest at [email protected] or any of the other math faculty.
Deanna earned a C in Algebra 1 and an F in Geometry. Because she has an SAT Math score of 24, matching a blue, dotted pre-requisite, she can be placed into M 095 or a non-algebra intensive gen ed, though she might want to work on study skills!
Wesley took the ACT and got a 22 overall, but only a 17 in Math. He earned a C in Algebra 1 and an A- in Geometry. Because his ACT Math score is low and he did not show mastery of Algebra 1 material, he is placed in M 090. His major doesn’t require courses requiring M 095, so he hopes to earn a B- in M 090 and use the non-algebra-intensive pathway to go straight to M 127.
Jean’s ACT Math score is 20, which matches a blue, dotted pre-requisite. However, they haven’t taken a math class in 3 years and are concerned about their ability to succeed. They decide to place down and take M 090 to solidify their math skills, even though they could go straight to M 095 or a non-algebra-intensive gen ed.
William earned an ACT Math score of 19, but he earned Cs in Algebra 1 and Geometry and expects a B- in Algebra 2. Because he expects at least one green, he can tentatively follow either arrow to go straight to his choice of a non-algebra-intensive or an algebra-intensive gen ed. His chart is marked tentative and will be checked when his transcript comes in.
Beverly earned an ACT Math score of 20, and she is taking it again to try to improve her score. Because she has already passed Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II, with a B- in Algebra II, she can be placed directly into a gen ed. We don’t need to wait for a new ACT Math score, since she already places in via HS grades.
Tasha went straight into a non-algebra intensive gen ed, based on her high school classes. She changed her major and now needs STAT 121 Probability. Even though she has already passed a non-algebra-intensive gen ed, she doesn’t have the algebra background needed for Probability, so she’ll need to take M 095.
M 090: Introductory Algebra
M 090: Introductory Algebra is designed for students who are looking to gain a strong foundation in algebra. This class is particularly appropriate if you don’t feel confident in your algebra skills.
Entering M 090
There are no pre-requisites to enter M 090.
Courses after M 090
A C- or better in M 090 allows you to enter M 095: Intermediate Algebra.
A B- or better in M 090 allows you to enter M 095: Intermediate Algebra or to bypass M 095 and enter M 105: Contemporary Mathematics or M 127: Topics in Mathematics directly.
M 105 and M 127 are intended for students who do not need M 095 or any specific math gen ed.
M 105 and M 127 do not qualify as pre-requisites for any 100-level Math or Statistics course, for any course requiring M 095, or for any science course that does not explicitly state that they are acceptable.
M 105 and M 127 are less algebra-intensive than many other 100-level offerings.
Note: M 090: Introductory Algebra helps prepare you for a gen ed math class; it does not satisfy the gen ed requirement on its own.
M 095: Intermediate Algebra
M 095: Intermediate Algebra is designed for students who have a stronger foundation in algebra but aren’t quite ready for a gen ed math class.
Entering M 095
To enter, you must meet at least one of the following criteria:
A C- or better in M 090
An 18 or higher on the math section of the ACT
A 24 or higher on the math section of the SAT
Completion of at least three years of math, including Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II (or the sequential content equivalent of these courses), with a C- or better in the highest-level math class you wish to be considered for placement
Completion of at least two years of math, including Algebra I and Geometry (or the sequential content equivalent of these courses), with a B- or better in both classes you wish to be considered
Courses after M 095
A C- or better in M 095 allows you to enter most 100-level math and stat courses.
If you earn a D+ or below in M 095 and have not yet passed M 090, you should take and pass M 090 before enrolling in M 095 again. M 090 will give you a stronger foundation and help you succeed in M 095 (or M 105 or M 127, if you go that route).
Note: M 095: Intermediate Algebra helps prepare you for a gen ed math class; it does not satisfy the gen ed requirement on its own.
M 105: Contemporary Mathematics and M 127: Topics in Mathematics
These two courses are designed for students who are looking for a gen ed that is not algebra-intensive.
Entering M 105 or M127
To enter M 105 or M 127, you must meet at least one of the following criteria:
A B- or better in M 090
A C- or better in M 095
A C- or better in any 100-level UM Western Math or STAT Class
A 18 or higher on the math section of the ACT
A 24 or higher on the math section of the SAT
A 3 or above on the AP Calculus AB or BC or AP Statistics subject examination
A 4 or above on the IB Calculus exam
A 50 or above on the CLEP subject examinations in selected topics (College Algebra, College Algebra-Trigonometry, Pre-calculus, Calculus, or Trigonometry)
Completion of at least three years of math, including Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II (or the sequential content equivalent of these courses), with a C- or better in the highest-level math class you wish to be considered for placement
Completion of at least two years of math, including Algebra I and Geometry (or the sequential content equivalent of these courses), with a B- or better in both classes you wish to be considered
Most Other 100-Level Math and STAT Courses
Most other 100-level Math and STAT courses are designed for students who have a strong foundation in algebra. Some, such as Calculus, have additional prerequisites.
Entering most 100-level Math or STAT Courses
To enter most 100-level Math or STAT courses, you must meet at least one of the following criteria:
A C- or better in M 095
A C- or better in any 100-level UM Western Math or STAT Class other than M 105 or M 127
A 22 or higher on the math section of the ACT
A 27.5 or higher on the math section of the SAT
A 3 or above on the AP Calculus AB or BC or AP Statistics subject examination
A 4 or above on the IB Calculus exam
A 50 or above on the CLEP subject examinations in selected topics (College Algebra, College Algebra-Trigonometry, Pre-calculus, Calculus, or Trigonometry)
Completion of a rigorous high school core including
four years of mathematics in high school (Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry & a course beyond Algebra II) and three years of laboratory science, in addition to English, social studies, and electives as described in the Regents’ College Preparatory program, with grades of C or better in all courses; or
three years of mathematics including a course beyond Algebra II and four years of laboratory science, in addition to English, social studies, and electives as described in the Regents’ College Preparatory program, with grades of C or better in all courses.
Completion of at least three years of math, including Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II (or the sequential content equivalent of these courses), with a B- or better in the highest-level math class you wish to be considered for placement.
Courses after 100-level Math or STAT Courses
A C- or better in a 100-level Math or STAT course satisfies your math gen ed requirement.