Main Hall Room 315A
Judy Ulrich has performed in and directed plays since she was 10 years old and has taught theatre for over 40 years. She has taught and directed at Montana Western since 1986. Among recent productions were The Diary of Anne Frank and Waiting for Lefty.
Ulrich is currently developing and performing a one-woman show based on her research of a single mother who homesteaded to Montana with 4 children. Called Tena’s Story, she performed it before live audiences in 2020-21 and during the following year as part of a UMW “virtual theatre” production entitled Mythest.
Her specialties are acting, directing, dramatic literature and history. Her love is working with students from across campus who, together, represent a variety of majors and a range of backgrounds in the arts. Her belief is that the diversity they bring helps to create dynamic theatre ensembles.
Judy earned a master’s in integrated arts education and a doctorate in theatre from Michigan State University.