Technology Support and Teaching Tips for Instuctors

52 documents
Canvas Support, Faculty Support
Canvas Maintenance Checklist
This document provides a checklist of best practices to ensure that Canvas course sites work for everyone.
Canvas Support, Faculty Support
Adjusting Dates When Copying Canvas Courses

This document explains how to adjust due and availability dates when copying one Canvas course into another.

Faculty Support, Moodle Support
Downloading Moodle Course Content

This document explains how to download Moodle course content so that the files can be opened with desktop applications.

Canvas Support, Faculty Support
Embedding Video and Other Content into Canvas

This document describes how to embed videos and other content using the Canvas Rich Content Editor.

Canvas Support, Faculty Support
Adding an Anthology Link in Canvas

This video demonstrates how to add an Anothology Portfolio link in Canvas.

Canvas Support, Faculty Support
Adding an Anthology Link in Canvas

This document explains how to add an Anthology portfolio link to a Canvas course.

Canvas Support, Faculty Support
Canvas Course Availability

This document explains how to adjust a Canvas course’s Start and End dates as well as how to Publish a course.

Canvas Support, Faculty Support
Grading Hypothesis Activities in Canvas

This webpage explains how to use the Canvas SpeedGrader with Hypothesis assignments.

Moodle logo illustration

Follow the link below for an easy-to-use code generator you can use to create HTML for design elements in Moodle 4.0.

Courtesy of Dr. Debbie Seacrest.