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On the Rocks Presents: Carbon and Silica Cycle Coupling During Cenozoic Warm Periods

311 Block Hall 710 S. Atlantic St, Dillon

Dr. Don Penman (Utah State University) Block Hall 311: 3:45 p.m. Our current understanding of the long-term carbon cycle holds that Earth’s climate is stabilized by a negative feedback involving the consumption of atmospheric carbon dioxide by the chemical weathering of silicate minerals. This theory posits that silicate weathering responds to climate: when atmospheric pCO2 and surface […]

BrainFest – Mathematical Modeling Competition

STC Great Room, UMW Campus, Dillon, MT MT, United States

The UMW Mathematics Department invites any interested high school juniors or seniors to participate and compete (for FREE) in UMW’s second annual mathematical modeling competition called BrainFest that will take place on Friday, February 16th, 10 AM – 3 PM. For BrainFest, the contestants will work in small teams led by UMW’s own math majors […]


Learn about Conservation Officer Positions

Two Montana Western alumni will be sharing job positions with Idaho Fish & Game as Conservation Officers. The presentation will take place in STC 005 (basement of STC) classroom.


Reinventing an Ancient Cattle Culture: How Humans and Livestock can Bring Healing to Western Rangeland

Dillon, MT, Lewis & Clark Room Mathews Hall 710 S. Atlantic St., Dillon, MT, United States

After wolves killed an unprecedented number of their range cattlein one grazing season, Glenn and Caryl Elzinga of Idaho's Pahsimeroi Valley were not only in economic trouble, but also a crisis of confidence as to whether or not public lands grazing should even be a part of their operation. However, after researching historical stockmanship practices, […]


Experience Montana Western Preview Day

The University of Montana Western would like invite all prospective and incoming students and their families to Experience Montana Western, UMW's free spring preview day, on Friday, March 22, 2024. This exciting event will give prospective students the opportunity to tour the campus, learn about UMW’s courses and unique block schedule, speak with faculty, staff, […]

TEDx University of Montana Western

Beier Auditorium MT

Sponsored by the Fund for Experience One, our conference provides a multidisciplinary forum for academic minds to gather and exchange ideas worth sharing. Speakers selected to present at TEDx University of Montana Western are directly connected to the local community or have topics that support Montana Western’s mission and values. TEDx University of Montana Western […]


17th Annual Campus Research Symposium

STC Great Room, UMW Campus, Dillon, MT MT, United States

Organized and funded by the Montana Western Biology Club, the goal of the symposium is to highlight undergraduate research, theses, internships, projects, and other scholarly and artistic work by undergraduates from all academic disciplines and to share examples of authentic experiential learning.  Attendance is free and open to everyone from the campus and local communities. […]
