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Life: Inside and Out Seminar

UMW Campus, Block Hall 311

Social: 3:30 p.m.Talk: 4:00 p.m.Block Hall 311 Speaker: Dr. Steven Perry, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Chemistry Department of Biology, University of Montana Western Title: “How Enzymes and Dietary Fat Interact to Regulate Inflammation”

Remediation Assessment of the Upper Clark Fork River: Experience One at UMW Presentation

Chemistry and Biology Building, MT Tech, Room 102 1300 West Park St., Butte

Remediation Assessment of the Upper Clark Form River: Experience One at UMW Presentation with Dr. Rob Thomas, 4:00 p.m., MT Tech CBB 102 or Zoom Meeting ID: 944 135 2831            Passcode: 7384016


On the Rocks- Community Water Conversations: A Panel Discussion with Local Water Users in Collaboration with Trout Unlimited

Social with light refreshments: 3:30-4:00 p.m.Talk: 4:00-5:00 p.m.Location: Block Hall 311 or join online via UMWestern Learning Center YouTube Channel (recordings here too) Community Water Conversations: A Panel Discussion with Local Water Users in Collaboration with Trout Unlimited. Panel will include local ranchers, local government, water managers & scientists