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Event Series Handshake Basics

Handshake Basics

This workshop is designed to introduce students to the Handshake platform and its benefits. Students will activate their accounts and then learn what is necessary to complete their profiles to […]

Develop a Lasting Elevator Pitch

Learning Center - Basement of Library 710 S. Atlantic St, Dillon, MT, United States

First impressions are everything! In this 30-minute workshop, students will learn strategies to introduce themselves to potential employers and internship hosts. Students will create an elevator pitch that will help […]

Event Series Handshake Basics

Handshake Basics

This workshop is designed to introduce students to the Handshake platform and its benefits. Students will activate their accounts and then learn what is necessary to complete their profiles to […]

Develop a Lasting Elevator Pitch

Learning Center - Basement of Library 710 S. Atlantic St, Dillon, MT, United States

First impressions are everything! In this 30-minute workshop, students will learn strategies to introduce themselves to potential employers and internship hosts. Students will create an elevator pitch that will help […]

Event Series Handshake Basics

Handshake Basics

This workshop is designed to introduce students to the Handshake platform and its benefits. Students will activate their accounts and then learn what is necessary to complete their profiles to […]

Event Series Handshake Basics

Handshake Basics

This workshop is designed to introduce students to the Handshake platform and its benefits. Students will activate their accounts and then learn what is necessary to complete their profiles to […]

Develop a Lasting Elevator Pitch

Learning Center - Basement of Library 710 S. Atlantic St, Dillon, MT, United States

First impressions are everything! In this 30-minute workshop, students will learn strategies to introduce themselves to potential employers and internship hosts. Students will create an elevator pitch that will help […]

Career Fair 2025

Keltz Arena

Employers from all over the country will be in attendance to meet UMW students. These amazing Western supporters will be looking for top talent to hire for summer work and […]

Event Series Handshake Basics

Handshake Basics

This workshop is designed to introduce students to the Handshake platform and its benefits. Students will activate their accounts and then learn what is necessary to complete their profiles to […]