Montana Western, University of Track at Yellowjackets/Battlin' Bears Icebreaker Open
The horseman's club invites students to ride in the indoor arena at the Montana Center for Horsemanship each Wednesday of the spring semester. We will drag a roping dummy, have the flag (mechanical cow) set up, or you can use the time to ride indoors. Please be sure to join the horseman's club and sign […]
Montana Western, University of Women's Basketball at TBA - NAIA Final Site
Montana Western, University of Men's Basketball at TBA - NAIA National Championship
Montana Western, University of Track at Al Manuel Invite
The University of Montana Western and the Dillon Public Library would like to invite the community to celebrate the Second Annual Japanese Festival in Western Montana with a series of events to be held March 22 and 23, 2024. Events and activities for all ages will take place throughout the city of Dillon including the […]