Wednesday, Sept. 25th from 10:15am-2:00pm, Vitalant is hosting a blood drive in the Keltz
The University of Montana Western Environmental Sciences Department is proud to present “Measuring Snow: New Methods and Technology” by Kori Mooney as part of the “On the Rocks” lecture series. The presentation will take place on Wednesday, September 25, at 3:30 p.m. in UMW’s Lucy Carson Library. Mooney, who earned her master’s degree in civil […]
Montana Western, University of Rodeo vs Montana Western Rodeo Streaming Video:*1kctwum*_up*MQ..&gclid=Cj0KCQjwo8S3BhDeARIsAFRmkOPms6D7FKSXEgWO8SrPU9zXPD65ozavCZzAlDvvvF3rxgzhqipKQtkaAj5XEALw_wcB
Montana Western, University of Women's Volleyball vs Rocky Mountain College Streaming Video:
All children and teachers are invited to come to Montana Western University this fall to experience our college campus and participate in literature, math, and science classes with peers from the surrounding area. Please visit our website for see our fall schedule and to find out details for how to get involved!
Stay tuned for times and more details.