Farewell to Rob Micken in MH room 213 from 2p-4p with light refreshments.
BLM meeting hosted in the Lewis and Clark room.
Montana Western, University of Women's Volleyball at Montana Tech Streaming Video: https://www.youtube.com/user/MontanaTechAthletics https://umwbulldogs.com/calendar.aspx?game_id=4018&sport_id=7
Everyone is welcome to come learn how to swing/ line dance as well as teach others the dances that you know!
For six Fridays each semester, children from rural classrooms and homeschoolers from the surrounding area come to the University of Montana Western campus for inquiry-based, experiential learning. Children are organized […]
Montana Western, University of Cross Country at Yellowjacket/Battlin' Bear Open https://umwbulldogs.com/calendar.aspx?game_id=4029&sport_id=2
Montana Western, University of Football at Montana Tech Streaming Video: https://www.youtube.com/@MontanaTechAthletics Tickets: https://godiggers.com/sports/2012/6/21/Facilities_0621122340.aspx?id=103 https://umwbulldogs.com/calendar.aspx?game_id=3992&sport_id=3