Date Adopted: 8/26/1988
Date Revised: 6/13/2019
References: BOR Policy 503.1, UMW Policy 600.3
Issuing Office: Dean of Students
Approved By: Office of the Chancellor
Consumption of alcoholic beverages on property belonging to the Montana University System is prohibited except as expressly permitted (Board of Regents Policy 503.1). Specifically, the use or possession of alcoholic beverages is prohibited: 1) in University of Montana Western buildings, grounds, and athletic fields, 2) at on-or-off campus University-sponsored events, and 3) at on- or off-campus University-recognized student club events, except in limited approved circumstances.
Except for the limited exceptions listed below, no event involving the service of alcoholic beverages may take place without the prior written approval of the Chancellor or his/her designee. Alcoholic beverages may be limited to beer and wine.
The purpose of this policy is to provide regulations governing the use and possession of alcoholic beverages on University-owned or controlled property, for University-sponsored events, and for events by University-recognized student clubs.
It is the University’s intent to comply with applicable laws pertaining to the sale, possession, and consumption of alcoholic beverages and to foster responsible attitudes toward alcohol among members of the University community, including students, faculty, staff, and visitors
University clubs, organizations, and campus events include, but are not limited to, sports groups, academic honoraries, athletic teams, service organizations, sponsored parties, tailgate parties, dances, picnics, banquets, field trips, sponsored recreational events, and social functions.
“Alcoholic beverage” means any beverage subject to the “Montana Alcoholic Beverages Code.”
The consumption of alcoholic beverages at University-recognized events is allowed with advance written approval by the Chancellor or his/her designee providing certain stipulations are met. Guidelines, procedures and Alcohol Registration Forms are available from the Conference & Event Services Office (see UMW Policy 600.3). Alcoholic beverages may be consumed in the privacy of a Family Housing apartment, the Chancellor’s residence, and University rental houses, in accordance with local, state, and federal laws and existing University student conduct regulations.
Residence Hall Alcohol Policy
The University of Montana Western follows all state and federal statutes. In accordance with state law, students under the age of 21 cannot consume or possess alcohol. When both residents of the room are under the age of 21, neither they nor their guests/visitors may possess or consume alcohol. This includes shot glasses, alcohol decorations (trophy bottles), empty alcohol containers, etc.
For rooms in which one roommate is 21 or older while the other roommate is not of legal drinking age, the resident who is of legal drinking age may not consume alcohol in his/her room. Rooms where both or all roommates are of legal drinking age may consume alcohol inside their room and must keep their behavior from being disruptive. No guests under the age of 21 may be present in the room while the of-age roommate/guests are consuming alcoholic beverages.
Alcohol is not allowed in any public areas of the building or in rooms occupied by underage residents. Most alcohol situations are brought to attention because of disruptive behavior. This behavior is addressed through student conduct and may require attendance at a behavioral Health Options (Options). The cost of the Options program is the responsibility of the student.
Alcohol violations carry with them the prospect of a Minor In Possession (MIP) and other criminal charges, and more severe consequences are dependent on the behavior displayed at the time of documentation.
Alcoholic beverages on University property shall conform to the following conditions:
University-sponsored events must meet the same requirements that apply to on-campus events.
Any University-recognized student club that sponsors any gathering, meeting, or other activity off-campus that involves alcoholic beverages must meet the same requirements that apply to on-campus events, with the exception of the following privileges and restrictions:
Risk Management guidelines are intended to help safeguard the University community against potential harm and exposure to legal liability. Therefore, it is imperative that policies are consistently enforced and the following strategies be incorporated into planning and implementing any event.
For any University-related event or activity, The University of Montana Western will not:
Board of Regents Policy 503.1, UMW Policy 600.3
Chancellor, Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance, Provost/Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Student Affairs, Dean of Students, Conference and Event Services