Date Adopted: 8/19/2004
Date Last Reviewed: 10/05/2023
References: UMW Student Handbook
Issuing Office: Academic Affairs
Approved By: Provost & Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
The University of Montana Western administration and faculty agree that students will be held harmless for absences due to University sanctioned activities in so far as possible.
The intent of this policy is to insure that students are not harmed academically for absences due to University-sanctioned activities. This policy provides a process for affected faculty and students to develop a plan for completion of academic expectations for a class.
The University of Montana Western administration and faculty agree that students will be held harmless for absences due to University sanctioned activities in so far as possible. All parties recognize that not all classes are amenable to alternative assignments and in some cases it is impossible to reschedule critical learning experiences. Though faculty has the final decision regarding the appropriateness of alternative assignments or experiences, in all cases they will make a good faith effort to accommodate.
Students should work with their advisors and potential faculty members to design student course schedules that minimize absences in those courses with learning experiences that present special challenges for replication at an alternative time.
Wherever possible, all student work should be completed before the end of the course block. If it is not possible for a faculty member to replicate a learning experience that produces similar critical learning outcomes to the missed experiences in a particular course within the same block, Incompletes may need to be issued to the student until such time as suitable learning experiences, if possible, can occur. Final decisions regarding the appropriateness of assigning Incomplete grades are made exclusively by the faculty.
This policy is effective so long as:
Students will not be penalized for engaging in such activity and the faculty member or employer shall attempt to accommodate the student as long as the student provides for 1 and 2 above.
Students with complaints that a faculty member is not working under this policy must initiate the following procedure as soon as possible:
The Chancellor may refer the matter to the Affirmative Action Committee for review and recommendation. If the complaint is not resolved to the satisfaction of the complainant, he/she will be advised of the right to file with the appropriate federal and/or state investigatory agency.
Provost/Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Faculty, Dean of Students, Chancellor, Affirmative Action Committee