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400.1 Vending Machines

Date Adopted: 4/22/2003
Date Revised:
Date Last Reviewed: 01/16/2024

Issuing Office: Administration and Finance
Approved By: Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance

  1. Policy

    Management and administration of vending machines and any associated term contract for such machines located on the University of Montana Western campus and peripheral properties of the University, such as the Birch Creek Outdoor Recreation Center, Vigilante Field, etc., are under the direction of Bulldog Life. Proceeds are distributed to the designated department or group as appropriate. Included in this policy are all machines designed to vend food, beverages, and miscellaneous consumable health aids. Only high quality food, beverages, and miscellaneous consumable health aids shall be dispensed according to current contracts and in a manner consistent with state environmental health regulations and the University’s mission.

    Only departments or ASUMW-recognized student clubs with University accounts may receive a commission. Student clubs and departments currently receiving vending machine commissions will be allowed to continue subject to this policy. No independently owned vending machines will be allowed on campus without permission of the Dean of Students.

  2. Purpose

    UMW recognizes the service and convenience that vending machines provide to the campus community and the general public. The University will maintain vending machines in strategic locations throughout the campus and peripheral properties where traffic patterns or other circumstances warrant their placement.

  3. Procedures

    1. Location and Security of Vending Machines

      Requests for obtaining new vending machines or relocating existing machines are to be submitted to the Dean of Students, who will make decisions based upon two major factors:

      1. The level and location of pedestrian traffic must warrant the placement of vending machines. In addition, the area must have adequate electrical outlets, waste containers, and reasonable security (i.e., sufficient lighting, unobstructed view for maintenance and security staff).
      2. The location of vending machines must not be detrimental to or detract from the conduct of academic classes. Potential noise or traffic disturbances must be considered to insure classes will not be disturbed.
    2. Distribution of Commissions
      1. All distribution of commissions shall be made by the Bulldog Life Office. Distribution of commissions and payment of costs associated with the machines will not occur until receipt of the commission revenue from the vending services contractor. Bulldog Life will be responsible for profit distribution.
    3. Method of Profit Distribution
      The Bulldog Life Office will:

      1. stock machines and gather commissions
      2. track receipts and stock by machine
      3. calculate profit by machine
      4. reduce amount by administrative fee
      5. deposit profit into appropriate accounts
  1. Authority

  2. Responsibility

    Dean of Students, Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance