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ASUMW 2024-2025 Club Information

Click the link above to find information on the current clubs available at UMW.

For more information or to join a club, visit ASUMW in the SUB basement.

Club Requirements

  • Attend Welcome Fair Fall Semester (E-Mail RSVP to ASUMW VP)
  • Attend All Club Meeting  in Fall and Spring Semester
  • Plan three events for a club week once per year. (E-Mail ASUMW VP to RSVP)
  • Maintain proper advertisement in the form of posters (ASUMW recommends that these be posted 72 hours before the event). Clubs must also inform the Activities Coordinator of club events prior to publication of the Weekly Flush.
    • Optional advertisements include the marquee (ASUMW office manager), KDWG and Facebook
    • Clubs are encouraged to write their events on the calendar in the ASUMW office to avoid conflicting events.
  • Update ASUMW VP with Club Meeting Changes, Roster Updates, Leadership Changes
  • Turn in club funding on time
  • Maintain a positive balance in their club account
  • Clubs who have approval from ASUMW to have a negative balance may be allocated money at the start of the Fall Semester.
  • Clubs are required to host regular meetings and 3 club events per Semester. The club events must take place in different blocks. At least one event must be held on campus
  • Exceptions to any club requirements can be brought to ASUMW for approval.

NOTICE – If club requirements aren’t being met, funding isn’t properly appropriated or is misused, it can be grounds for termination of club status and/or funding.

Contact Information

Office Location:
 SUB Basement (below Bookstore)
Phone: (406) 683-7611

Senate Club Handbook