Access to The University of Montana Western is a civil right.
When viewed in their entirety, programs at the University must be readily accessible to and usable by people with disabilities. Program access must be assured in the most integrated setting appropriate to the needs of the individual and to the maximum extent feasible. The University promises that no otherwise qualified person with a disability will be denied or limited participation in or the benefits of any programs solely on the basis of a disability. The University prohibits disability discrimination and will make certain all students and visitors have an equal opportunity in accessing our campus. The University of Montana Western is committed to achieving equal educational opportunity and full participation for persons with disabilities.
Visitors who need to request special assistance should contact the Director of Student Success as soon as possible to ensure that the university has enough time to make any necessary arrangements. Visitors with disability or accessibility questions or who wish to acquire updated information on accessible parking, routes or buildings, can contact Randy Johnson, Director of Student Success, by telephone at 406-683-7311 or by email at
It is Montana Western’s policy that no qualified person be excluded from participating in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination with regard to any University program, activity, internship, practicum, or class.
An enrolled student with disabilities who wishes to request academic adjustments must give initial notification to the Student Affairs Office and the Director of Student Success that they have a physical, psychological, and/or learning disability. The student must provide appropriate documentation that describes the qualifying disability, the extent of that disability, and information on how the effects of the disability might be overcome through modifications or auxiliary aids and services.
If the student does not make this notification and provide the appropriate documentation, Montana Western does not have a legal obligation to provide academic adjustments.
It is the goal of the University of Montana Western to meet the needs of each student with a disability. Upon receipt of disability documentation, the Director of Student Success or his representative will contact the student to arrange a meeting to discuss academic adjustments. The student is welcome to bring a parent, guardian, significant other, or assistant to the meeting.
The meeting is designed to help the student be successful in their course work at Montana Western. The Department of Student Success will help guide the student in making decisions regarding classes and needed academic adjustments and auxiliary aids and services. Auxiliary aids and services may include services such as:
Access to housing and dining facilities and services, campus buildings and programs, and student support groups are also topics discussed in the meeting with the Director of Student Success.
We look forward to working with you and hope you’ll benefit from our services. Please feel free to contact Randy Johnson, Director of Student Success at 406-683-7311 with questions or for further information. You may email Randy at
Please fill out the form above if you need academic adjustments or accommodations related to pregnancy or parenting to ensure you receive the necessary support during this time.
Click here to view Montana Western’s Emotional Support Animal Policy.
Click here for the Emotional Support Animal Application.
For any questions or concerns please contact Randy Johnson, Director of Student Success, by telephone at 406-683-7311 or by email at