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Housing Policies

Housing Policies Section

Living in campus housing presents both opportunities and challenges. Community responsibilities, such as cooperation and respect, accompany group living situations. Your actions affect others, especially when space is limited. The Residence Life Team members help foster a sense of community; however, each resident is ultimately responsible for the creation and maintenance of this community. To help create and maintain our community students need to be mindful of our campus polices. All Residence Hall & Family Housing students are expected to abide by the Student Conduct Code. In addition to the Student Conduct Code, Residence Life has outlined the following housing policies for students living in and visiting Family Housing and the Residence Halls.

Residence Hall Contract

Students who contract to live in the residence halls accept financial responsibility for the room & meal plan for the entire semester. No refunds will be given for students choosing to move off campus during the semester, unless the student officially withdraws from all courses through the Registrar’s Office before the final published date. Fall cancellations received in writing by July 15th will receive a 100% refund. Fall cancellations received in writing by August 15th will receive a 50% refund. Spring cancellations received in writing by the first day of class will receive a 100% refund. Spring cancellations received after the semester starts will not receive a refund. For a complete review of the Housing Contract Conditions please click on the following link:

Housing Contract Conditions

Freshman Residency Requirement

The State of Montana Board of Regents of Higher Education has a residency policy that requires all students with less than 30 earned college credits reside in the residence halls unless this requirement has been waived by the specific university. At the University of Montana Western, exceptions to this policy are determined on a case by case basis by the Director of Residence Life. Proper verification must be presented to support residency requirements release. Please note that high school AP/Dual credits do not count towards the 30 earned college credit requirement.

Housing Hold

All incoming freshmen automatically have a housing hold placed on their University account until one of the following requirements are completed:

  • A housing application is submitted for the Residence Halls.
  • A release from the Freshman Residency Requirement has been submitted and approved.

To avoid any delays, freshmen should complete one of the above steps as soon as possible.

Release Process

Release from the Freshman Residency Requirement is not guaranteed for any reason and all releases are at the discretion of the Director of Residence Life. Please review the Release Request Form in its entirety for release guidelines, policy, and procedure.  Requests will not be reviewed unless all necessary documentation is attached.