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Counseling is offered year-round, Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Emergencies will be seen upon walk-in. We are located in the Dean of Students Center at 528 Poindexter Street, across from the Student Union Building.

What is counseling?

Counseling is a confidential, professional relationship that empowers students to accomplish mental health, wellness, education, and career goals by overcoming personal obstacles.

Why counseling?

College can be stressful and almost all students experience occasional difficulties that can throw them off track. Montana Western’s licensed counselors are non-judgmental, skilled listeners who help you clarify your own thoughts and feelings, gain insight into your behavior, and develop a plan to reach your goals.

Montana Western takes a progressive approach as more and more UMW students recognize the value of mental health. Typical concerns may include anxiety, depression, relationship stressors, eating disorders, homesickness, sexual/gender identity concerns, sexual trauma, sleep difficulties, career choices, etc.

Helpful Information


Click here to learn how to schedule an appointment with one of our counselors in person or online.

Meet Our Staff

Learn about the Montana Western counselers and their expertise.

Additional Resources

A curated list of mental health topics and resources.


Learn more about internship opportunities from Student Counseling Services.

Contact Information

Dean of Students Center



(406) 683-7388
