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This webpage describes the process generally and in an abbreviated version. For the full process, please review the Grievance Procedures below or via PDF (located here).

Complaint Resolution Overview

Upon receiving an initial report to EO/TIX:

Step 1: Initial Outreach

EO/Title IX sends outreach to the identified Complainant. The outreach may differ slightly based on the referral source and nature of the reported conduct. 

Step 2: Initial Intake Meeting

Title IX Coordinator, or designee, meets with the Complainant to discuss the reported conduct, resolution options, and protective/supportive measures.

Step 3: Assessment

Title IX Coordinator assesses the reported conduct to determine the next steps. This assessment includes jurisdiction, policies, complainant’s choice, and compliance obligations (including Clery).

Step 4: Formal Complaint

To initiate a formal grievance process, a Formal Complaint is signed by the Complainant and Title IX Coordinator. At times, the Title IX Coordinator may sign the Formal Complaint and name the institution itself as the Complainant.

Step 5: Issuance of Formal Complaint and Investigation Notice

The Complainant and Respondent receive written notice that the Formal Complaint was signed and the investigation is being initiated. 

Step 6: Investigation Phase

The Title IX Coordinator assigns an impartial Investigator to investigate the reported conduct which culminates in a Final Investigation Report.

Step 7: Adjudicatory Phase

The Complainant, Respondent, and Witness(es) participate in a Live Hearing where a panel of students, staff, and faculty makes a determination on the case. 

Step 8: Appeal

The Complainant and Respondent have the right to appeal the outcome of the case. 

Other aspects of the process may occur at any time after a Formal Complaint is signed. 

Dismissal of the Case

There are a few reasons the Title IX Coordinator may dismiss the case.

Informal Resolution (Can be done on either UM or UMW campus)

At the discretion of the EO/Title IX Coordinator, parties may voluntarily choose to resolve the matter informally.

Grievance Procedures